Asher at 7 months:
- can finally roll from stomach to back
- started not crawling nor scooting, he’s doing something kind of in between. Lets just say that he is moving everywhere and can get whatever he wants. When he started rocking on his hands and knees I avoided teaching how to crawl. I wasn’t ready for it. Maybe now that he can move around I should teach him the correct way.
- Flew on a plane for the first time. Didn’t do the greatest, but it could’ve been worse.
- eats all fruits and veggies like a champ
- is loving feeding himself crackers and baby puffs.
- started babbling “dada”
- got his first “real” sickness. Fever for days, ear ache and cough.
- likes sitting up with the rest of us in the high chair
- Thinks Liam is very funny and loves to watch him.
What a month Asher has had. Flew for the first time, started rolling and moving everywhere, and got his first fever/earache. You can tell he is still feeling a little sick by his rosy cheeks, snotty nose, and red watery eyes. He is developing a little faster than Liam did and I’m not quite ready for it. He’s becoming too independent, even though all he’s doing is “crawling” and eating finger food. I think he wants to keep up with his brother. I’m in trouble if that is true.