Friday, July 13, 2012

The Terrib-ly Fun Two’s

Liam Turned Two…IMAG0270

He is so full of energy and super busy.  I can’t keep up with him.


Liam’s Two year old Stats:

  • weight: 27 lbs (40 percentile)
  • Height: 34 inches (40 percentile)
  • learned to climb the stairs without using a rail or wall (he always looks like he’s going to fall)
  • is really starting to pick up on talking (we still can’t understand a lot of what he says, but Doc says he is not delayed)
  • has transitioned to a toddler bed…he only falls out every once in a while.
  • learned to open doors…worst thing ever.  He also makes sure all the doors are closed.
  • is very interested in how things work, and learns fast how to do it himself.
  • uses our smart phones to play games, look at pictures/videos, & to call people, usually grandma, aunt mille, aunt Jodee, or Dad. 
  • loves to do anything water…water plants, drink from the hose, run through the sprinklers, the kitchen sink, just be wet.
  • loves to take his pants & diapers off, including when he’s going to bed (we’ve changed many clothes & sheets while he sleeps).  He has recently decided that peeing in the toilet is the greatest thing…bring on potty training.
  • is doing well at matching, loves to count (especially loves the number 8), and loves to hear the alphabet.
  • he’s really good at animal sounds
  • will do ANYTHING for a treat…including eating his veggies
  • thinks he is super funny and laughs at himself all the time
  • started the “terrible two’s” at 18 months. We’ve gotten over some behaviors, but there is always a new one to take its place
  • would much prefer to be around all his cousins
  • likes to be outside with dad…its almost expected as soon as Jamon gets home.
  • favorite things to eat: smoothies, macaroni and cheese…any kind of cheese, marshmallows, and dried fruit.  He also likes to go pick and eat raspberries. 
  • is doing pretty good at being a big brother…he’s only hit Asher 1 time.
  • loves to jump off of things, including dad.
  • loves to longboard….no he can’t stand, he sits or lays on it.


Thanks to my smart phone for the nice blurry pictures.  I had to show them off.  He doesn’t pose/smile for the camera very often.




To celebrate we went to the Andelin Splash pad for a pool party.




His cousin Addison came

DSC_0150 cousin Jaxon


and Ashlyn


he got some awesome presents…a car mat and cars, puzzles, play-doh, magnet and a train activity kit, crayons and paper and his favorite present…


a scooter (I don’t know what you call it.  Several cousins have them so when he saw it at a yard sale he immediately got on it and we couldn’t get him off.  We got a good deal on it and it was brand spanking new).


And here’s his cake…


He got messier with this cake than he did at his first birthday.


It was a fun party.  The kids entertained themselves.  Nope, we did not stage this picture.

Happy Birthday to my energetic, busy boy.  You make me tired, but I sure do Love you.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

One Month

This last month has flown by.  As I mentioned in the previous post so much has happened that I can’t keep up. 

So I’ve been a mom of 2 for a month now.  We are slowly adjusting.  We went to the grocery store last week and forgot to pay for some things in our cart and then left other things behind that we did pay for, not sure why we felt so flustered.  I have successfully been to Wal-mart with no help. Lucky for me Liam was a champ and just sat in the cart.


Jamon has started almost sleep walking at night to help with Asher.  He sometimes can’t remember getting up with him.  He also has walked down stairs to throw a diaper and way and wash his hands and doesn’t remember. 


Things we know about Asher:

  • He doesn’t just cry he SCREAMS.
  • He likes bath time
  • Thanks to his brother he has tasted a blueberry muffin, popcorn and a graham cracker.
  • He no longer looks like he has Jaundice.
  • Is smiling more and more when we talk to him
  • sleeps 5 hours at night and has gone up to 6 hours (awesome)
  • started cooing.  Love it.


DSC_0222-1I am so Happy that we caught this smile on camera.  What a cutie.

What a day

So this post is overdue, but to much is happening to fast for me to keep up how I would like. 

June 22 was a very busy, but very exciting day.  It started out by us heading to the Church Administration Building with Jamon’s parents, all his brothers and their spouses, his grandparents, and an Aunt.  We were there to meet with Elder Christofferson, one of the 12 Apostles, who would set Jamon’s parents apart as Mission Presidents in the Columbia, Bogata North Mission. 


It was quite the experience.  Elder Christofferson came and shook everyone’s hands.  The spirit was strong there as we listened to the blessing and counsel from him.  Jamon’s parents will be missed, but we look forward to what the next three years will bring.


Liam and Asher with President and Sister Andelin…Grandpa and Grandma.  This is the before picture.  When they get home we will take another one.  What they will come home too… Liam won’t be scared of Grandpa and will be 5 years old. Asher will be 3 years old and we will most likely have a 1 year old.  Stay tuned…

After the setting apart we walked around temple square for a little bit, then we all met at CafĂ© Rio for lunch.  After, all the siblings went to a splash pad to play for a niece, who was celebrating her 8th birthday, and Jamon and I went home.  Liam had spent the week with my parent’s and was now home waiting for us.  We were super excited to see him.  I was especially excited, because I was given the green light to pick up Liam, when I thought I wouldn’t be able to for 6 weeks. 

DSC_0028Liam shoving a cupcake in his mouth. You can also see the scrapes he got previously that day.

His homecoming was awesome.  He came out the door to meet us and had the biggest smile on his face and his voice was a couple octave's higher with excitement.  I then picked him up and gave him a huge hug.  It was AWESOME!  I sure love that kid.

Later that day, still June 22, all of Jamon’s family (every last niece and nephew included), along with my parents, my brother’s Jason and Adam with their families and our Bishop met at our house where we blessed Asher.  It was an interesting expeirence to have him blessed at home.  We started out with a song and a prayer. 


Proud Dad, looking very HOT in his new suit, and crying Asher.  He looks like he’s been tortured.

DSC_0016Jamon gave Asher an amazing blessing.  I am so glad he has the priesthood and is able to give our family the blessing they need. I sure do love him. 

We then closed with a prayer and began to eat.  Thanks to my Awesome Mom for basically making everything for this meal.  I don’t know what I would’ve done without her.

Here are a few pictures of Asher in his blessing outfit…That my mom made in less than a week.  She’s amazing.
